15 Winter Fashion Hacks For A Gorgeous Cold-Weather Ensemble

Dressing for winter can be a chilly challenge. You need some winter fashion hacks to get through it all! You want to bundle up for the cold, but then you’re sweating in your heated office or at a full-house family gathering. You walk outside and you’re full of static cling and your hair goes in a million directions. Your sweaters aren’t keeping well, and your shoes keep getting wet and salty.
What do you do?
Don’t worry. Current Boutique has got your back. We’ve gathered
1. Did your shoes get wet in the snow?
Warming your shoes with a hairdryer or heater can actually ruin your shoes, especially leather and suede one. Stuffing some newspaper inside your shoes will help absorb excess moisture, which dries your shoes quickly and safely. The newspaper can also help shoes retain their shape and not “fall” due to the moisture.
2. Want to stay warm while wearing a dress?
Tights are your ultimate winter accessory and one of our favorite winter fashion hacks. Slip on a pair of tights under a dress as a barrier between your skin and the harsh winter wind. They’ll keep your legs warm, so you can rock that gorgeous short dress without sacrificing comfort and safety.
I always find that restaurants get so hot, probably because of all the people, the roaring fire, and the drinks flowing. So the best part of wearing tights under your dress is that you can run into the bathroom, slip off your tights, and hide them in your purse if you get too warm.
Fashion tip: Black tights create a slimming and lengthening look. Plus, black tights look great with most
3. Do your tights get ripped or damaged easily?
If you want to prevent a run in your tights from worsening or prevent a run altogether, spray your tights with a strong hairspray before putting them on. This helps temporarily strengthen the fibers during wear.
If you’ve just bought new tights, you can take preventative steps to strengthen your tights by freezing them before wearing. The cold temperature permanently fortifies the fibers, so they’ll last longer without running or thinning. Here’s how to freeze your tights:
- Run the tights under cool water.
- Wring out the water.
- Place tights in a plastic bag and seal.
- Freeze overnight.
- The next day, let the tights thaw.
- Put them on and wear as usual. Now they’re strong and enduring!
4. Still can’t get your temperature right?
There’s nothing worse than going from the cold outdoors to a sweltering office. If you find yourself sweating midday in the heat of your office attach a thin underarm liner to the underarms of your sweaters or long-sleeves to prevent sweat marks. Sometimes the weirdest winter fashion hacks work the best– try it out! Also, try these Numi undershirts with built-in protection. They have been a lifesaver for me.
5. Did your sweater shrink in the wash?
This is our worst nightmare: your favorite sweater has just shrunk in the washer.
Thankfully, natural fibers like wool and cashmere are easy to bring back to their normal size. Synthetic fibers are less likely to stretch and return to their shape. That’s just another reason to buy natural, sustainable fabrics!
So what should you do if you notice a shrunken sweater?
- Don’t put it in the dryer. Most sweaters shouldn’t go in the dryer, because the heat can shrink sweaters beyond repair.
- Fill a sink or tub with enough warm water to soak your sweater.
- Add two tablespoons of fabric softener or baby shampoo.
- Let the sweater soak for 30 minutes.
- Remove from the water. Squeeze gently to remove excess water. Don’t wring it, because this could ruin its shape.
- Put the sweater flat on a clean towel. Roll it in the towel to remove more water.
- Stretch it uniformly on all sides, and shape it to its original form.
- Lay flat to dry. Don’t hang, as this can stretch out the sweater abnormally.
Didn’t work? Get more winter fashion hacks for un-shrinking a sweater with The Spruce.
6. Is your sweater pilling?
A lot of people recommend using a razor to shave the pills off your sweater, but this can thin your fabric and shorten the life of your sweater. Instead, we recommend using a natural pumice stone. Use light strokes that gently graze the surface of your sweater. The pumice stone will pull up any pills or excess material without damaging the sweater beneath. Just be careful not to add too much pressure, as the pumice stone could get caught on the sweater itself.
7. Is your sweater itchy?
Itchy sweaters are the worst. You love the way you look, but hate the way they feel—so they end up wasting space in your closet all season (and all year) long. But you can soften even the itchiest sweater with a little white vinegar and hair conditioner.
- Soak the sweater in cold water and a few tablespoons of white vinegar. Let sit for 15 minutes.
- Remove from water. Gently massage high-quality hair conditioner into the sweater. Let sit for 15-30 minutes.
- Rinse the conditioner out with cool water. Lay sweater flat to dry.
Make sure you use natural, organic hair conditioner. You don’t want to add chemicals to your clothing and, by extension, your skin.
Note: Quality cashmere actually isn’t all that soft when you buy it. It will naturally soften with wear and use, though, so don’t use this trick on your quality cashmere.
8. Is your sweater shedding?
Cashmere and wool sweaters are the best. They’re natural and sustainable, plus they feel the softest and last the longest. Their only issue is that they occasionally “shed.” If this is the case, toss the sweater in the freezer (in a plastic bag) for a few hours before each wear. This strengthens the fibers, so you won’t see that pilling and shedding.
9. Don’t know how to store your sweater?
Hanging your sweater is a no-go. Gravity pulls your sweater downwards, while the hanger arms can stretch the neck and shoulders.
Instead, I recommend folding your sweater and stacking them vertically. The problem with this, though, is that you only end up wearing the sweaters at the top of your pile.
So even better, hang your sweater the rightway. This saves room in your closet and protects the life of your sweaters. Learn how to hang your sweaters here.
10. Feeling static-y?
Static is common in winter because the air is drier. Moisture in the air in warmer climates helps dissipate electrons; but dry air collects a charge and creates that “shock” of static electricity. (Learn the science of winter static here.)
So how do you prevent static from ruining a good hair day or sticking your clothes to your body?
First, wipe a dryer sheet on your hair or over your clothing to eliminate and prevent static. I even keep a few dryer sheets in my purse to swipe on if the static is getting the best of me.
Prevent hat hair by wearing natural fibers, like cashmere and wool. Synthetic fabrics actually create more static and worsen hat hair!
Also, you can hide a safety pin inside your clothes, especially sweaters and dresses. The safety pin “stops” electricity in its tracks, so you won’t feel that static prickling over your skin.
11. Are your fingers and toes always cold?
Mittens are warmer than gloves, because the skin-to-skin contact retains warmth. If you’re not using your hands a lot, mittens are the way to go to keep your hands happy and warm.
Don’t skimp on socks for winter. When it’s cold outside, it’s worth it to have quality socks made from sustainable fibers like wool and cashmere.
Psst… If your wool socks always fall down into your boots, wear ankle socks over them to help keep them in place.
12. Want to waterproof your shoes?
You can help keep your shoes, especially canvas shoes, safe from the snow and moisture by using beeswax.
- Clean your shoes, so you don’t trap dirt inside.
- Test a portion of the beeswax on a small portion of the shoe, to make sure it won’t damage the shoe.
- Rub a beeswax par or pastille all over your shoe.
- Heat the wax with a hairdryer, so the wax will settle into the fibers.
- Let set for at least 10 minutes.
Don’t use this tactic on suede or leather shoes. Instead, invest in a leather waterproof spray.
13. Are your shoes stinky and dirty?
Sprinkle some baking soda in your boots to help absorb and neutralize odors. You can also spritz white vinegar inside to get rid of the smell (the white vinegar smell will dissipate after a few minutes).
You can also try out charcoal deodorizers in your shoes (or other smelly places) to naturally remove odors and keep your shoes smelling fresh!
14. Do your shoes have salt marks?
A little water and white vinegar should do the trick to remove salt marks from your shoes. Dampen a fresh cloth with just a little water and a dash of white vinegar. Rub over the soul of your shoes. This should remove salt and dirt in just a few swipes.
15. Feel like you’re spending way too much money this season?
This is the most important hack we can give…
Everyone spends more money in the winter. You’re buying presents for loved ones, you’re treating yourself to a couple extra hot cocoas and coffees day, and you’re taking trips to warm (or cold) destinations. So don’t spend even more money buying winter clothes that are super expensive.
You can still buy high-quality winter clothes and gifts that are good for the environment, look absolutely stunning, and will keep you warm…
Shop consignment! You get the best designer winter clothes at a fraction of the price. See why preloved fashion is the hottest craze for winter 2019 and beyond!
Psst… secondhand items make great gifts as well!
Want other winter fashion hacks to keep your winter ensemble gorgeous?
Check out these 10 easy hacks to make your clothes last longer.
With just a few tips and tricks, you can look and feel super stylin’ this season. Which winter fashion hacks are your favorite?