5 Reasons Why Secondhand Items Make The Best Gifts

Still searching high and low for the perfect gifts for your loved ones this holiday season? That’s because you’re looking in all the wrong places!

Secondhand items are the hottest, chicest gift items for the holiday season, but you may not have even considered them yet. They’re thoughtful, special presents that appeal to everyone on your list. Show how much you love and care for your friends and family with exceptional, unique secondhand goodies - all without hurting your wallet or the environment.

Check out these top 5 reasons consignment items have become the most popular and impactful gift-giving trend for the season!

1. Quality

You care about the quality of the gifts you give. You want to pamper and treat your friends and family with luxurious gifts. Secondhand pieces are a great way to give superior designer products without sacrificing price. Give a quality gift to a quality friend.

At Current Boutique, we have hundreds of designer items lined up in-house. From Tiffany earrings to Kate Spade bags, you can find a wide array of luxury styles right in our consignment shop and online. Our designer bags are especially popular as gifts because your recipients will love flaunting the beauty and functionality that comes from top-name brands.

Give the gift of lavish beauty this holiday season.

2. Unique

But you’re not just giving high-quality designer clothing. You’re gifting unique, exclusive secondhand pieces that aren’t for sale anywhere else. These items could be from a season ago, ten seasons ago,  - even if they’ve been previously gently worn or used. They become more distinct and unique the longer they’re out of season - because they never go out of style.

So often secondhand pieces are unlike anything you’ll find in stores today. That means you’re more likely to find something that suits your friend’s actual style, rather than just whatever is trending in fast fashion during the season.

Show your friends how extraordinary they are by giving them a unique gift they can’t find anywhere else.

3. Thoughtful

A matchless item that fits your friend’s personality shows that you’ve put thought into the gift. Most recipients appreciate the thought behind a gift rather than the expense of the gift itself. People love to feel that you’re thinking of them - and especially that you think they’re special and unique. Giving a distinctive secondhand item tells them that you think they’re rare and beautiful.

Be a creative, out-of-the-box gift giver.

4. Affordable

You want to give your friends something high quality, vintage, and thoughtful. But doesn’t that cost a lot? Not when it’s a secondhand sensation gift!

Secondhand shops give you access to top-notch fashion pieces at a fraction of the cost. Imagine buying a genuine cashmere Burberry scarf for only $150 dollars, or a Rebecca Minkoff crossbody for just $70, or even a Tiffany & Co’s famous open heart necklace for $140!

In fact, shopping consignment can save nearly 70% off the original retail price. Plus, the holidays usually offer at least another 20% off of that. Talk about incredible savings!

When you buy designer items in-season, it can cost you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars. Most of us can’t afford to get everyone on our list something designer and beautiful. But when you take off more than half of the listing price, you have more financial wiggle room to indulge in the gorgeous gifts your friends deserve for being so wonderful.

Give luxury without breaking the bank.

5. Sustainable

Buying a bunch of new gifts for the holiday season can be surprisingly wasteful. Most people give moderately-priced gifts, meaning the lifespan of your clothes and accessories won’t last very long. You likely end up throwing out your gifts by the time the next holiday season rolls around. And how many gifts have you been given that you haven’t even worn or used at all?

Holiday gifts end up getting wasted more than they do getting used.

The high-end clothes on consignment already need a home, and they’ve already proven to withstand the test of time. Why buy average clothes when you can buy high-end clothes for the same or lower price - while enhancing your wardrobe and saving the environment?

Be an eco-friendly gift giver, and the world (and your recipient) will thank you.

How to give secondhand

So how do you actually give secondhand gifts? How do you make this the most special and unique gift you possibly can this holiday season?

Here are some Current Boutique tips and tricks to make your secondhand gifting a breeze:

  • There’s a difference between secondhand and used. Secondhand goods come from a consignment shop or reseller. They have been professionally cleaned and repaired, and they’re handpicked as valuable, high-quality items. Never give something straight from your wardrobe as a gift under the false guise of “secondhand”!
  • Give the gift in appropriate packaging. If the secondhand shop does gift-wrap or has a unique unboxing process, then use it! If not, wrap it as you would another gift. You want to present the box in an extraordinary way so they’re excited to uncover what’s inside.
  • Give info about the store where you got the item. Be proud of your secondhand goodies. You want people to know that their gifts are unique finds that you went out of your way to personalize for them. Plus, they’ll love learning more about the awesome store where you got their priceless gifts.
  • Shop with Current Boutique! We always have sales on the hottest trending items from the biggest brand names you can imagine. From our Shop by Look collections to our Trend lookbooks, we make it easy to search through our hundreds of products to find great gifts.

We look forward to seeing all you secondhand holiday shoppers with us soon!

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO www.currentboutique.com


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen