How Modern Technology Influences the Fashion Industry

Technology and Fashion

The fashion industry has undergone a profound transformation in the last decade, largely due to technological advances. New technologies like social media, virtual reality, and business management tools have created both opportunities and challenges for workers at all stages in the fashion industry. In this article, we’ll explore how modern technologies and social media are shaping fashion from design and production to consumption and wearing.   

Designers are designing faster with CAD

Modern technology has revolutionized how fashion designers approach their creative process. Many designers are moving away from pencil and paper, instead using computer-aided design (CAD) software and 3D imaging to conceptualize and prototype their ideas. This software allows for precise measurements, alteration, and experimentation without physical prototypes. CAD isn’t just a more effective and efficient way to design; it also saves time and resources that enable a more sustainable and fast-moving fashion industry.

Virtual reality is broadening customer access 

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have also entered the design process. Designers are using VR to create virtual showrooms, fitting rooms, and fashion shows, establishing immersive, personalized experiences that transcend the limitations of physical runway shows. 

Moreover, these technologies have made fashion shows more accessible to the everyday person. Fashion shows used to be exclusive events for industry insiders; now VR, live streaming, and social media allow designers to showcase their collections to a global audience in real time. This has made fashion more mainstream while also allowing small, emerging, unique designers to gain more visibility than in years past.

AR technologies are being used more and more with in-store retail environments, letting customers virtually try on clothes and products at home or in-store before making a purchase. This boosts customer confidence, reduces returns, and enhances the buying experience for the consumer.

Fashion supply chain is becoming more transparent and sustainable

In recent years, there has been a significant push for more sustainable, eco-friendly, and ethical practices in the fashion industry. To meet the sustainability demands of today’s consumer, many designers and brands are leveraging innovative technologies to reduce their environmental impact and improve the quality of life for their employees. For example, some designers use on-demand, real-time printing to minimize waste and overproduction.

Blockchain technology also creates a more transparent supply chain so customers can trace the journey of their garment from raw materials to finished product. This tech helps build trust for the consumer while encouraging the company to maintain ethical practices. We hope that these kinds of transparency-based technologies will continue to push the fashion industry toward a more sustainable future.

Customers have more personalized experiences

Data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) have given fashion brands vast amounts of data to better understand their customers’ preferences, behavior, and trends. This data-driven approach allows designers to create on-trend pieces and better tailor their offerings to clients. Often, brands can even personalize the shopping experience for individual customers with personalized recommendations and styling options.

Social media dictates trends

In the past, designers and fashion houses ruled fashion trends. Today, social media platforms have become the “trend incubators” where consumers are sharing outfit inspiration and fashion finds in real-time. These platforms allow the rapid spread of trends, which has forced brands to stay agile and more responsive to their consumer’s demands (like the demand for sustainability).

More designers can emerge with social platforms

Social media has also shown significant advantages for smaller and emerging designers to showcase their creativity and build their brands. The democratization of content creation and distribution has allowed individuals from diverse backgrounds to find a voice in the fashion industry. Fashion designing is no longer for the elite – it’s for those who love fashion.

Social media is building fashion “communities" 

Social media has birthed a new breed of fashion icons: influencers. These trendsetters and brand collaborators have massive followings on their social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube, and they’re becoming the authority on style recommendations and purchasing decisions. They’re building micro-brands around themselves that encompass a lot of different fashion designers, trends, and styles. Gone are the days of being only a Chanel girl or a Gucci girl. Thanks to influencers, we’re seeing a blend of designs and vibes based on aesthetic rather than design house.

Fashion brands are partnering with influencers to reach targeted audiences in an organic way to create authentic, true-to-brand connections. This shift in marketing has enabled niche fashion subcultures to thrive – allowing for a fashion world that’s more based on confidence and enjoyment rather than external trends.

But it’s not just influencers. User-generated content from everyday users has also become a significant aspect of social media fashion. Customers post themselves wearing products and tag the brands, which makes everyday consumers into a micro-brand advocates. This down-to-earth, interactive approach boosts engagement, drives sales, and creates more intimate communities built around a brand.

Social media pushes urgent purchases

Brands quickly discovered that their customers spend a lot of time on social media, which prompted the rise of social ecommerce. Many social media platforms now enable brands to showcase and sell their products on their social pages. These features allow users to make purchases without even leaving the app, leading to much faster purchasing decisions. This “see-and-buy” trend has created a sense of urgency and impulse buying that pushes sales, even in periods of economic downturn like COVID.

Learn how to avoid impulse buying and choose sustainable clothes here.

Is technology contributing to fast fashion?

Unfortunately, every technology comes with both advantages and disadvantages. For example, the rise of fast fashion can be attributed, in part, to modern technology. Technology has made it possible for brands to reduce production times, streamline supply chains, optimize inventory management, and push urgent sales in real-time. Robotics and automation have increased efficiency in textile and garment manufacturing, allowing fast fashion brands to produce large quantities of clothing at lower costs.

Manufacturing technologies have made trendy fashion more accessible – but a lot less sustainable and ethical.This rapid pace of production and consumption has led to increased waste and exploitation that desperately needs to be monitored by activists and advocates for sustainable fashion practices. 

As consumers, we must acknowledge the pitfalls of technology so we don’t end up with a less sustainable, environmental, and ethical industry.

Check out these 7 trends in sustainable fashion to learn more.

Modern technology influences the fashion industry

Technology and social media have transformed the fashion industry in unprecedented ways. From virtual showcases to influencer culture to increased (and decreased) sustainability practices, these tech advancements are quickly shaping how we interact with fashion.

The future promises even more innovation and integration of technology and social media. As consumers, we’re responsible for forcing the fashion world to use this technology for a more inclusive, sustainable, and consumer-centric landscape.

We want to partner with you!

Do you use technology and social media to showcase your style? Are you an influencer, stylist, closet organizer, personal shopper, or fashion fanatic who loves high-quality pieces at an affordable price? Current Boutique offers an experience unlike any other, offering preloved designer labels at a fraction of the original ticket price.

And we’re always looking for fellow fashion lovers! If you want to spread the word about our sustainable business and help grow our fashion community, check out our affiliate program to learn more! 

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen