How To Put Together The Perfect Valentine’s Day Outfit

Happy Valentine's Craving Current

Get the scoop….How To Put Together The Perfect Valentine’s Day Outfit!

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” – Paulo Coehlo

Valentine’s Day is the day to celebrate unconditional love. It’s also the day to give love a reason… to dress up and have fun! Putting on your Valentine’s Day outfit is the perfect excuse to slip into your favorite flirty, romantic ensemble for an exciting night on the town or a chill date at home.

Let’s get your Valentine’s Day outfit together! Check out my top tips on how to put together the perfect Valentine’s Day outfit, and then get some ideas based on the type of date you have planned!

Valentine’s Day Outfit Tips

What should you remember when putting together your Valentine’s Day outfit? I love the duality of Valentine’s Day: sultry/sexy and classic/elegant. Valentine’s Day is about both love and lust—so don’t be afraid to dress for both! For example, pair dark jeans with a red blouse that has shoulder cutouts. Or wear a little black dress with tantalizing drop earrings. Don’t be afraid to use fashion to intrigue and excite.

Play into the red and pink cliché. Valentine’s Day is cheesy and we all know it—so why not embrace it? It’s the perfect time to wear different shades of red and pink, from your clothes to accessories to shoes. Not only is the monochromatic look trending right now, but also red and pink are actually considered the most attractive colors to the eye. If you’re going on a date, red will make you feel more confident—and it will engage your partner even more.

Dress for the weather. If you live in Vermont, you shouldn’t be wearing a red sundress just because it’s cute and Valentines-y. Fashion should still keep you comfortable and safe.

Wear something made from a soft fabric, like cashmere or silk. Wearing a touchable fabric gives you and your partner an excuse to get closer and cuddle up to one another.

It’s not necessary to spend thousands of dollars getting ready for Valentine’s Day dinner. The right man loves you for who you are. Spend as much as you want to make you feel good. Don’t want to spend a lot? Shop secondhand to get high-end pieces within your budget1

Show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day!

If you love wearing flats, wear flats. If you love giving yourself a facial, prep for date night with an extended getting ready routine. Is sexy lingerie is your thing? Throw it on under your outfit. Dress for you, and the rest will follow.

Try something new. Valentine’s Day is a day filled with romance and spontaneity. So don’t be afraid to get a little wild and exciting! Go for the bold red lip if you usually keep your makeup neutral. Let your hair down if it’s usually up. Wear heels one inch higher. Do something fun and audacious that will make you feel even sexier.

Want ideas for your Valentine’s Day dates and fashion? Check out our date—and associated fashion—ideas below!

Cozy Snuggles At Home

You and your partner have decided to stay in for the holiday. If you want to spend quality time together in the comfort of your home, here’s how to put together the perfect at-home Valentine’s Day outfit!

Date Ideas

  • Cook dinner together and have a picnic on the floor.
  • Watch a romantic movie together.
  • Set up a “fort” for movies or reading together.
  • Write each other love letters.
  • Give each other a massage.
  • Order in takeout.
  • Have a game night.

Fashion Ideas

Even if you live with your partner and they see you in sweats all the time, Valentine’s Day should be a time to dress up a bit. It’s a good way to relight the spark—both for yourself and for your partner.

But how do you “dress up” when you’re staying home?

Start with leggings. Leggings are a girls’ best friend. They’re as comfy as sweats, but they can be as fancy or casual as you make them. You’ll be able to hang around the house comfortably while still showing off those sexy legs of yours.

Pair the leggings with an oversized red sweater or long sleeve tee. A chunkier top is perfect for cuddling up at home, but it’s still super cute and trendy.

If you’re going without shoes, throw on pink socks with hearts. You can find inexpensive Valentine’s Day socks in a lot of stores, and they’ll add a bit of holiday flair to your outfit. If you’re wearing shoes, go for comfy flats or cute slippers. A “fancy” outfit (like a sweater with leggings) paired with bunny slippers is sweetly romantic and is sure to win over your partner’s affections.

Finally, I recommend dressing up the outfit with jewelry. A pearl necklace or drop earring adds a bit of romance to the look without coming off as too fancy for a date night at home. Check out these other comfy, gorgeous winter accessories.

A little bit of extra effort for your at-home date will wow your partner, and make the holiday even more romantic!

Casual Night On The Town

Recreating your first date? Enjoying a chill night out with your loved one? Keeping it casual and cost-effective while still getting out of the house? Here are some ideas for the casual V-dater!

Date Ideas

  • Hit up your favorite restaurant spot.
  • Do the classic movie and dinner date night combo, complete with ice cream for dessert.
  • Go ice-skating or roller-skating.
  • Sing your hearts out at karaoke.
  • Hit up a comedy show.
  • Take a stroll downtown, window-shopping and holding hands.
  • Go to a wine or beer tasting.
  • Attend a concert.

Fashion Ideas

A casual night on the town means you can go for a casual yet sophisticated look. Depending on the weather, we recommend dark or black jeans with a pink or red blouse. This can easily be dressed up for dinner or down for ice-skating—so you’re ready for whatever the night may bring.

Layers are a must-have for winter weather and a flirty date night. Throw an easygoing jacket on top, like a denim jacket for a casual look or a leather jacket (a definite wardrobe essential) for something more refined and romantic. Pair with heel booties for a chic yet sexy ensemble.

At Current Boutique we love, love, love rose gold accessories to incorporate into your Valentine’s Day outfit. You’ll get that subtle hue of feminine pink while still showing off your high-end jewelry style. Plus, rose gold looks good with just about any date night outfit!

Fancy Dates Out And About

Are you using Valentine’s Day as an excuse to get out and do something fancy? Good—you deserve a luxury treat! What should you wear on a high-end date night?

Date Ideas

  • Go to that 5-star restaurant you’ve been eyeing.
  • Take to the skies in a helicopter ride.
  • Take a dance class together.
  • Book a hotel for the night - nearby or out of town.
  • See a show you’ve both been wanting to get to.

Fashion Ideas

Slip into something romantic and elegant, like a modern-day Audrey Hepburn. For a more formal affair that isn’t quite cocktail dress worthy, we recommend a pencil skirt with fitted sweater. Pair with strappy heels for a sophisticated look that’s ready for even the most posh places.

Psst… Now’s the time to break out your diamonds. How often do you get to wear your jewels? “Frost yourself” with your favorite jewelry today to add a touch of romance.

This is also a great excuse to use that investment bag that you adore but don’t want to wear out with everyday use. Don’t have an investment bag? Learn why investment bags are a must-have for your closet—and then pick up your own!

Girls Night Out

Spending Valentine’s Day with your girls? Galentine’s Day is one of the best times to get all dolled up and look and feel your best with your ladies!

Date Ideas

  • Put on your best party dress, a face of makeup, and head downtown!
  • Have a slumber party complete with goofy makeovers, movies, and lots of snacks.
  • Host a Galentine’s Day bake-off, “Chopped” style.
  • Go to a wine and paint event.
  • Tour a brewery or winery—or host your own tasting soiree.
  • Catch up on the Bachelor. Make sure to decorate with roses and champagne.
  • Agree to upgrade your wardrobes and go on a shopping spree at a secondhand shop together.

Fashion Ideas

There’s nothing better than dressing up for a night with the ladies. You can get away with just about any outfit when you’re surrounded by your posse. So don’t be afraid to go a little bold and daring this Galentine’s Day! Try out a little red dress or a bright red jump suit. Throw on a black flowing gown with a pop of red shoes. Wear chunky jewelry that draws the eye to your face.

Don’t be afraid to go big. Your girls will give you their feedback, and they’ll be there to cheer you on in what you’re wearing.


Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to throw on a gorgeous red outfit, do your hair and makeup, and feel absolutely fabulous! (As if we needed an excuse, …) Getting ready for a big date is half the fun, so enjoy it and have a blast! We can’t wait to see your stunning Valentine’s Day outfits!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Your outfit’s so chic

It must be from Current Boutique!

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Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen