Movies for Fashion Lovers: 21 Must-Watch Titles

Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan 1985

We’re obsessed with fashion, so we’re always on the hunt for the best fashion finds, both in consignment stores and in our everyday lives! After a busy workday or long week, there’s nothing better than chilling out with a fashion movie to make you feel relaxed and inspired. In this article, I'm giving you 21 of my favorite movies for fashion lovers that are centered on style and bring us the most beautiful outfits we just can’t get enough of!

Movies All About Fashion

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Is there any fashion movie more iconic than the 2006 Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway duo (with a special appearance by Emily Blunt)? The Devil Wears Prada is about an aspiring journalist who finds a love for high fashion while working for the most notorious boss in the city. Not only is this film filled with stunning outfits, but it also gives us a glimpse into the world of high-end fashion and luxury (the glamorous and not-so-glamorous parts alike).

Clueless (1995)

Although Clueless doesn’t center entirely around fashion, there really is no better fashion icon than Cher. Although the looks are a little outdated, we’re seeing a lot of retro styles fall into modern trends—so a lot of Clueless looks are back on the runways now! Iggy Azalea even made a music video based on Clueless because it’s such a timeless go-to that every girl has to watch at least 10 times.

Coco Before Chanel (2009)

Loosely based on young Coco Chanel, Coco Before Chanel brings us through the life of a seamstress and cabaret entertainer who is looking to redefine women’s fashion. This movie’s wardrobe is a perfect representation of the timeless elegance we all know and love with the Chanel brand.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Although this movie is not based entirely on fashion, it's still one of the best movies for fashion lovers. There’s nothing quite as iconic as Audrey Hepburn’s little black dress, pearl necklace, and cigarette holder in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Like all of Audrey Hepburn’s roles, she makes the movie exciting, adventurous, and full of fashion and flavor. If you love the fashion from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, you’ll also love Funny Face (1957).

Learn more about Breakfast at Tiffany’s fashion with Haute History.

Zoolander (2001)

If you’re looking for a comedy with a side of style, Zoolander should be on your list. Although this movie pokes fun at the fashion world, it still includes some of the best actors and most stylish costumes of the early 2000s. It’s "out there" just enough to be a cult favorite since its release.

Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) 

Confessions of a Shopaholic is an interesting take on how fashion can help us express ourselves. We watch Rebecca Bloomwood's inside-out glow-up, and it's about so much more than fashion. With lots of gorgeous clothing and fun shopping scenes, this movie is a light-and-easy watch with a good story behind it.

Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)

A great reminder that what you wear impacts your psychology and your life, Desperately Seeking Susan is a fun comedy that's easy to watch and even easier to love. Roberta is looking for adventure and wants to emulate her favorite "character" Susan, so she buys Susan's jacket. When the mob come looking for Susan, they think it's Roberta because of the jacket -- and fun and drama ensues!

Sex and the City (1998 - 2004)

Need we say more than Carrie Bradshaw? This show (and its associated movies) is filled with dynamite looks that persist from the ‘90s into modern fashion. Although there are a lot of plot lines in this show, one of the most prominent is Carrie’s love for fashion and her Vogue articles. You get drama, romance, girl bosses, and of course fashion! Check out Vogue’s Ode to Carrie here.

Movies With Stunning Fashion + Costumes

Two For The Road (1967) 

Audrey Hepburn’s style in Two for the Road is so elegant and classic, but even more than that, her wardrobe is utilized as a way to reflect her relationship with her character’s husband. If you love classic fashion looks and the use of clothing to tell a story, this movie for fashion lovers is a must-see. 

Legally Blonde (2001)

Elle Woods is iconic, both as a fashion idol and a queen of putting your mind to something and making it happen (like going to Harvard Law and then owning the courtroom). If you’re looking for a fun, uplifting, girl-power movie with lots of pink outfits, Legally Blonde’s the move. See Insider’s list of all the best looks from Legally Blonde.

Jawbreaker (1999)

The styles in Jawbreaker are super unique, pairing ‘50s and ‘60s silhouettes with ‘80s colors for a costume set that’s unlike anything else you’ll find. This is a rare find on fashion movie lists, but it’s a highly-recommend from us!

A Star Is Born (1976)

Starring Barbra Streisand, the coolest part about the wardrobe from A Star is Born is that all of her character’s outfits actually came directly from Streisand’s closet! The 2018 adaptation is equally as beautiful in terms of costumes, story, and music.

The Dressmaker (2015)

This thrilling drama starring Kate Winslet is less about fashion and more about getting revenge, but wow are the outfits in The Dressmaker undeniably remarkable! If you want something as visually stunning as it is thrilling, you’ll love The Dressmaker. It also makes us ponder how fashion can have an impact on our psychology - and vice versa.

Titanic (1997)

The costumes in Titanic aren’t 100% historically accurate, but they’re gorgeous nonetheless. Four hours of dazzling costumes, a heart-wrenching story, and moving characters is just what you need this weekend.

Check out these Titanic costume details you might have missed from the film!

Atonement (2007)

Another period movie that has some gorgeous fashion pieces. What’s so cool is that a lot of these “period” pieces from Atonement are coming back into fashion in 2021, so you might find some trendy inspiration in this poignant movie.

Crazy Rich Asians (2018)

This movie about some of Asia’s most lavish lifestyles is brimming with fantastic outfits, from the main characters to the extras. That Swarovski wedding dress is absolutely swoon-worthy. By the end of Crazy Rich Asians, you’ll be eager to dress up yourself.

Phantom Thread (2017)

Telling the fictional story of Reynold Woodcock, Phantom Thread brings us through the world of 1950s London fashion. This movie is dark and brooding with a beautiful love story, but it shone most in costume design, receiving an Oscar for Best Costumes.

Personal Shopper (2016)

Kristen Stewart plays a disturbed personal shopper in this award-winning thriller. Most interestingly, the house of Chanel provided the costumes for this movie, so you know it’s filled with distinctive and eye-catching pieces.

Read this The Cut article about how Personal Shopper shows the unglamorous side of fashion.

The Great Gatsby (2013)

If you love 1920s fashion and the associated lavish lifestyle, there’s nothing quite as fun and thrilling as The Great Gatsby. Starring Leo DiCaprio, the 2013 adaptation of the novel is filled with a remarkable cast, stunning cinematography, and fashion that will imprint itself on your brain.

Chicago (2002)

If you love The Great Gatsby, next up is Chicago. This movie was awarded an Oscar for Best Costume Design for bringing out the unique beauty of the 1920s jazz age. Flapper fashion is coming back into style, so Chicago will give you some fun inspiration for your daily looks.

Gossip Girl (2007-2012)

Whether you’re a Blair, Serena, or Dan, the Gossip Girl series about New York City socialites has some of the most remarkable and iconic outfits in TV history. Check out some of the best fashion moments on Gossip Girl here.

Want movies that tell the story of major fashion icons? Check out AnOther’s inclusive list of some of the best adaptations of stories of fashion icons you’ve heard of—and maybe some that are new to you! Also, check out the new series Halston on Netflix – it’s well worth a watch about the story of fashion icon Halston who changed women’s fashion but unfortunately isn’t as well-known as his counterparts.

What are your favorite movies for fashion lovers that make you feel inspired to rock your own personal runway?

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen