The Economic Benefits of Supporting Consignment Stores

Carmen Lopez Current Boutique

If you want to make a difference in your community while rocking unique, one-of-a-kind pieces, look no further than your local consignment store. Consignment shops are small businesses that are a pillar of the local community and have a dramatic effect on the neighborhood’s economy, culture, and vibe. By shopping on consignment, you’re not only getting affordable, high-end designer pieces – you’re also helping stimulate your local economy. Read on to learn some of the many ways consignment shoppers like you are helping boost the local community.

Supporting local business owners and sellers

When you shop at small consignment stores, a significant portion of the money stays within the local economy. Big box retailers are chains owned by faraway CEOs and big companies; consignment stores, on the other hand, are often owned by small business owners who live and shop right in your neighborhood. And while big box stores manufacture their items overseas in factories, consignment stores usually source their products from local individuals and artisans. This means that the money you spend at a consignment store is going into the hands of entrepreneurs and local sellers in your city who are working hard to make a living or make some extra cash.

Running a small business isn’t easy. Learn more about the highs and lows of owning a small business here.

Job creation 

Consignment stores are often small- to medium-sized stores that hire local staff and provide employment opportunities for individuals who may otherwise struggle to find work. These stores generally care more about their employees than big chain retailers do; small business owners recognize that their staff’s happiness directly translates to their clients’ happiness, so creating a fun and thrilling work environment is critical to small business success. 

Tax revenue boosts local infrastructure

When you shop locally, a portion of the sales tax goes back into your community. This tax revenue supports local infrastructure like schools, parks, roads, and public services. By buying from small businesses and contributing to local tax, you’re actively participating in the development of your community and ensuring it remains well-equipped for future generations.

Competition promotes excellence 

Supporting small business is vital for the overall economic health of a community, as it encourages competition, innovation, and entrepreneurial growth. Your local consignment store must constantly improve to stay in business, which means you’re getting the highest quality goods, services, and experience. That’s why consignment stores generally have a more grounded, in-touch, and personalized shopping experience than major brands.  

Neighborhood revitalization

Consignment stores and other local businesses attract foot traffic because of their unique feel you can’t find elsewhere. This foot traffic is an integral part of rejuvenating and growing downtown areas. Well-maintained commercial areas have a positive spillover effect: attracting other businesses, nurturing economic growth, and creating a desirable environment for residents and businesses. This encourages other small shops to open or expand, which helps all local businesses grow together. This can transform a neighborhood into a thriving cultural hotspot for locals and tourists alike.

Check out these tips for supporting small business to help your local community thrive.

Fostering a neighborhood “vibe”

Consignment stores have the power to shape and define the culture of a neighborhood. They infuse charm and character into the local community rather than creating a cookie-cutter feel with generic retail chains.

Here are some of the ways consignment stores foster culture:

  • Unique inventory: Consignment stores are treasure troves for one-of-a-kind finds. Many of the pieces – even trendy ones – speak to the stories of the decade, designer, or previous owner of the piece.
  • Collaboration and events: Consignment stores often host or partake in community events, like local fashion shows or festivals. These gatherings bring people together, nurture a sense of community, and highlight the vibrancy of a neighborhood.
  • Personalized customer experience: Unlike impersonal big box retailers, consignment stores offer a more intimate, customized shopping experience. Store owners and staff want to develop relationships with their customers, which creates a greater sense of community amongst fashionistas.

Consignment stores are an integral part of towns and cities. They not only offer affordable clothing – especially affordable designer clothing – but they’re also often the hub of fashion and community. Consignment stores are cultural and economic beacons that help cultivate community and charm while injecting additional cash flow into a neighborhood.

So, shopping at your favorite local consignment store isn’t just a great way to indulge in retail therapy and fill your wardrobe with stunning finds – you’re also investing in the prosperity of your community!

Current Boutique was founded in 2007 by Carmen Lopez to bring sustainable, high-end fashion options to the Virginia and Washington, D.C. area. Since then, we’ve blossomed into a mid-size retailer with nationwide shoppers on our online platform. But we still hold the small, local values we’ve had since the start. We aim to create a community of fashion lovers in our own neighborhood and across the country. Our emphasis on supporting our local community has been our number one driver in allowing us to become a successful pillar in the consignment industry. 

Thanks for supporting your local community by shopping at Current Boutique!

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen