The Art of Matching Accessories

Gucci Leaf

Fashion is all about self-expression, and accessories play an essential role in enhancing our creative style. The right combination of accessories can transform a few basic pieces into a stunning ensemble that turns heads. A white tee and jeans become so much more when you add wedges and sunglasses. A sundress can become formal wear with the right heels and clutch purse. In this blog, we’ll help you navigate the world of accessory matching to take your outfits to the next level. 

Why are matching accessories so important?

Matching your accessories is the quickest way to add sophistication and harmony to your outfit. Coordinating your purse, shoes, sunglasses, hats, jewelry, belts, and scarves creates a cohesive, polished look that looks purposeful and intended. Matching accessories balance your ensemble with a level of attention to detail, a cornerstone of keen fashion sense. Here are some tips for easily matching your accessories. 

Neutral accessories are timeless and versatile

Neutral accessories are foolproof. Neutrals pair effortlessly with most outfits, ideal for almost any occasion. Accessories in classic shades like black, white, beige, and gray offer a clean canvas that lets your outfit do all the talking.

matching neutral accessories 

One of the best ways to dive into the world of matching accessories is by choosing one neutral and sticking to it. For example, maybe you’ll purchase all-black or all-brown leather accessories. This capsule wardrobe concept makes it easy to accessorize without having to worry about matching. You just grab a couple pieces from your closet, and they’re instantly matching!

matching neutral accessories 2023 

If you wear all neutrals, neutral accessories will perfectly accentuate your go-to looks. And if you tend towards more colors and patterns, neutrals will effectively balance out the more maximalist look.

matching neutral accessories 

Colors express your personal style

For those embracing fashion’s bold and fun side, playing with colors is a must. Matching your accessories by color makes your outfit look put-together and purposeful.

matching colorful accessories 

The easiest way to match accessories is by wearing two or more accessories in the same color. But that doesn’t mean all of your accessories must match. Two of these three accessories are the same color, but the consistent cool palette create a gorgeous color-blocking effect.

matching colorful accessories for 2023 

I love matching accessories in color families. Pairing by color hue lets you play around with more styles and looks without locking into a single shade, giving more freedom and flexibility.

matching colorful accessories 2023 

If you’re more advanced in your color theory, you might want to try pairing complementary or analogous hues for a refined, fashion-forward look. Color blocking is daring, but it creates visually striking outfits that will turn heads. This is most successfully accomplished when you have a color-blocked outfit and pair the colors of your accessories with the outfit’s colors.

matching colorful accessories 

Add depth with textures

Matching isn’t all about color coordination. Textures create eye-catching combinations that add a lot of movement and intrigue to an outfit. For example, I love wearing mismatched leather pieces that add a layer of rebel-girl sophistication to an outfit.

matching textured accessories

Rope espadrille-style accessories are perfect for a summer look.

summer textured accessories 

When matching textures, you can stay in the same color family or mix and match neutrals or shades. Because the textures remain consistent, you can play around with color and style more. 

matching textured accessories

But “matching” also doesn’t mean all your accessories need to be the same texture. For example, pairing leather accessories and a silk hair scarf adds texture and depth to an otherwise basic look.

matching textured accessories

Browse textured accessories with Current Boutique here!

Use a statement piece to draw attention to your accessories

Accessories don’t just have to be an accessory to the outfit. Sometimes, your accessories do the heavy lifting and steal the show! A statement piece like an oversized hat, chunky necklace, or embellished heels can be the focal point of the look.

statement accessories 2023 

When incorporating a statement accessory, keep the rest of your outfit relatively simple. This allows the accessories to stand out in a clean, captivating way.

statement accessories 2023 

You can never go wrong with a little black dress paired with a colorful handbag and chic heels. 

how to match accessories 

Coordinated hardware takes it to the next level

Matching hardware for your jewelry and accessories is a small but significant detail that makes a significant difference in the overall aesthetic of your outfit. Coordinating the color and finish of your clasps, buckles, zippers, and embellishments elevates the cohesiveness of your ensemble.   

matching hardware on accessories 

If you’re wearing a gold necklace, opting for gold hardware on your handbag or belt adds harmony.

hardware accessories 

Silver zippers give an edgy vibe paired with minimalist, sophisticated silver jewelry.

how to match your accessories

Along with the color, consider the hardware’s finish. Shiny, polished finishes create a sleek look, while matte or brushed finishes add modernity and depth.  This attention to detail demonstrates thoughtfulness, intentionality, and unity in your styling choices.

matching hardware on accessories

It’s the little things that make a big impact

Matching colors, textures, and hardware is an easy yet effective way to enhance your overall aesthetic and sophistication. Accessories are the perfect way to express your individuality, creativity, and sense of style by creating stunning ensembles that are as unique as you are! So, embrace your inner fashionista, play with different combinations, and start shopping for accessories on Current Boutique that speak to your soul!


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Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen